In 2 Corinthians 11:1-4, Paul told the Churches at Corinth that he was concerned that if someone came preaching a different Jesus, a different Spirit, or a different Gospel, that they would put up with it. Paul’s concern was the same as Jesus’s concern in Matthew 24:24—that many false Christ’s have gone into the world. Simply saying the name “Jesus” is not enough. The details of who we are talking about matter.
The Adventist Jesus is a figure informed by the writings of Ellen G. White who they then bring to the Bible as an added layer of detail.
The Adventist Jesus was exalted to be made equal with the Father and given an exalted position of authority prior to the creation of the earth. While on earth, He had a fallen human nature, he wasn’t impeccable (meaning, he could have sinned), he doubted his own resurrection and if His sacrifice would be accepted by the Father because Satan was able to twist His mind causing Him to doubt, only the Father was able to resurrect Him, and He isn’t the Lord God Almighty, only the Father is. He was only a man while on earth because he set His divine nature aside while on earth (Kenosis Heresy). He is a type of a Levitical priest wearing Levitical priesthood garments in Heaven that is still dealing with sin like the Levitical priests did in the earthly sanctuary.
This is not the Jesus of history and scripture but is a false Christ no different than the false Jesus’ of Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Unity, Bahá’í, Islam, etc.