Let's dive deeper and equip ourselves with the truth
Doug Batchelor’s Fables #5: Adventism is an ECUMENICAL...
Doug Batchelor claims that the Seventh-Day Adventist church is a diverse movement of lots…
Waldensians & Adventism: Examining Shaky Historical Claims...
Were the students of Peter Waldo, known as the Waldenses, seventh day sabbatarians? Did…
Doug Batchelor’s Fables #11: Jesus’s Commands = 10...
Doug Batchelor (@PastorBatchelor) claims that Seventh-Day Adventist church doesn't teach that 7th Day Sabbath…
The Shut Door, Close of Probation & False...
Continuing our examination from last week—SDA pastor Stephen Bohr from SecretsUnsealed gave a presentation…
“Hidden” Protestant Origins?! SDA Claims Debunked...
We're circling back to the camp of the guys over at AmazingDiscoveries who gave…
Dr. Michael Brown vs. 58 Year Old Adventist:...
Reacting to a viewer submitted clip from Dr. Michael Brown's radio show, The Line…
The Sunday Law: Doug Wilson vs. SDA Pastor...
We are circling back around to the pastor of Kenhorst SDA Church who responded…
Doug Batchelor’s Fables #3: Adventist’s Keep ALL 10...
Doug Batchelor claims that the Seventh-Day Adventist Church keeps all 10 commandments. Is this…
Doug Batchelor’s Fables #14: Jesus Christ is a...
Doug Batchelor (@PastorBatchelor) claims Jesus Christ is a Seventh-Day Adventist. What in the world?…
What Adventist Scholars Won’t Tell You About the...
The guys at the Adventist History Project decided to mention our platform in a…
In Defense of the First Day Sabbath &...
SDA pastor and AmazingFacts ( @AmazingFacts ) president, Doug Batchelor ( @PastorBatchelor ) gave a talk…
Two Gospels?! SDA Pastor vs. Two Former Adventists...
What is the Christian Gospel? Two former Adventists respond to SDA pastor Dennis Priebe…