Doug Batchelor’s Fables #5: Adventism is an ECUMENICAL Church?!
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth

Burying Adventism: Soul Sleep & The State of...
Sam Shamoun was originally slated to be with us for a debate with an…

The Cursed Gospel of Adventism: The First Angel’s...
Continuing our examination of the Seventh-Day Adventist Gospel (branded as the "Three Angel's Messages"…

Desmond Ford & Walter Rea: 1844, Glacier View...
In 1982, defrocked SDA pastor Desmond Ford and Walter Rea were interviewed on The…

Seal of God?! The Adventist Church is Wrong...
Unveiling the truth: Is Sunday worship a pagan deception or God's intended Sabbath? Join…

Yet again, Doug Batchelor is LYING! Here’s the...
Is Ellen White misrepresented by others to make the SDA Church look bad? Are…

Hidden Prophecy?! Does Revelation Foretell of the SDA...
Does the Seventh-day Adventist Church truly have prophetic insight into the Bible? Central to…

SDA Pastor vs: Christian: The First Day Sabbath...
The pastor of Hastings SDA Church, Jeff Dowell, began a series of presentations seeking…

Adam & Eve Were Giants? Unpacking 5 of...
What is an Advent-ism? Today we explore five of the wildest ones and some…