The Law
Equipping Christians and Reaching Adventists with the Truth

Does the Adventist Church teach a Law Gospel...
Unravel the provocative concept of Law Gospel distinction, its impact on the Protestant Reformation,…

Are the 10 Commandments eternal?...
Unravel the Adventist perspective on the eternal nature of the 10 Commandments and explore…

Can we keep the Law perfectly?...
Explore the compelling contrast between Adventist and Biblical theology on sin, grace, and the…

What is sin?...
Only transgression of the Law? Explore how the SDA Church's truncated view of sin…

Is the law divided into three parts?...
The topic of the law often attracts significant criticism within the context of Adventist…

Were the 10 Commandments known before Mt. Sinai?...
Could the SDA Church be right? Were the 10 Commandments known before Sinai? Explore…

Did Jesus tell the Rich Young Ruler he...
Saved by law-keeping? Dig deeper into the Synoptic story of the Rich Young Ruler…

Was the Law nailed to the cross?...
Colossians 2: All of the Law or only the ceremonial? Or is the text…

What is the purpose of the Law?...
Delve into the complex nuances of Adventist and Biblical teachings on sin, law, and…

Does the Law reconcile us to God?...
Adventist versus Biblical teachings: Are we reconciled to God by obedience or faith in…