- Prayer: You have to be in prayer for your Seventh-Day Adventist friends and family. Pray that God would open up opportunities to have spiritual conversations and that the Holy Spirit would lead in those opportunities. Remember, it is God who saves people. Not us, our argumentation, our intellects, etc.
- Know the Bible: If you want to reach SDAs you are going to have to study, study, study the Bible. While many of them wrongfully handle the Word of God, to their credit, they are bullish on the Scriptures. Some specific areas of study that will be of great benefit include the Gospel, who Jesus is, the purpose of the Law of God, and the High Priestly and Kingly role of Jesus.
- Scale the language barrier: One of the biggest dangers of Adventism is it’s slick use of definitions and terms. The Adventist Church is notorious for taking terms from orthodox Christian groups, but then redefining them to mean something totally different (ie: sola scriptura, Trinity, etc.). Always be asking questions such as “what do you mean by that”. Doing this will help you drill down on the specific issues and differences much quicker.
What is the best way to reach Adventist’s with the true God and Gospel?
Dive Deeper into Basic Essentials: Equip Yourself with the Truth

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