Ellen G. White, the Adventist Church’s prophetess, falsely claimed that Jesus’s mother—Mary—had to be led away from the scene [of the crucifixion] by the disciples so she wouldn’t hear the crashing of the nails through His bones. She adds this detail not found in the biblical narrative followed by later claiming that “she [Mary] could not remain away from the suffering scene.” This is an Advent-ism.
Scripture is quite clear that she stood nearby with others—Mary the wife of Clopas and Mary Magdalene—who all watched the crucifixion (John 19:25). After prophecy about Christ’s crucifixion was fulfilled (John 19:23-25), Jesus then sees His mother from the cross and said, “Woman, behold, your son!” (John 19:26), followed by entrusting His mother to John the Apostle who was also present (John 19:27).
Furthermore, Messianic prophecies from the Old Testament that refer to the crucifixion of Christ as the true Passover Lamb state that none of His bones would be broken (Numbers 9:12; Psalm 34:20; John 19:33-6).
Roman crucifixions of the first-century are not the same as the often depicted Middle Ages crucifixion. Roman crucifixions were done by driving a nail through the opening between the ulna and the radius bones—allowing the bones to function as anchor points. The weight on those points would have then dislocated his joints, which Messianic prophecies also predicted (Psalm 22:14).
If His bones had nails driven through them, that means they would have broken. See Dr. Cahleen Shrier’s The Science of the Crucifixion for more on this.
Ellen White claimed that “whatever contradicts God’s Word, we can be sure proceeds from Satan”, that her writings never contradict God’s Word, and bear the test of investigation. We’ll let you connect the dots.