The Adventist Church claims to believe in one God. But it’s important to understand how they are defining “one” and “God”. In Adventist theology, “God” is used like a familial title. It refers to a team of three beings who are one in mission, purpose and character, not being and substance. They call this god the Heavenly Trio—which they have labeled as “the Trinity.”

These definitions are downstream of Ellen G. White, as is recognized by their churches scholars such as Jerry Moon, Chair of Church History at Andrews University.
While the SDA Church will never admit that they believe in three gods, the way their “Heavenly Trio” is described—with a relational oneness emphasized versus an ontological, oneness in being—the end result is three distinct beings who are united in a mission, but not in essence, which is three different gods (beings). Some of their scholars, such as Fernando Canale and Fritz Guy, have openly recognized the dangers of this issue.
For an in-depth analysis and breakdown, watch our stream on the topic.