By way of Ellen G. White, who the SDA Church claims was divinely inspired and that her interpretations of scripture correct inaccurate ones, Jesus supposedly had to convince the Father after three tries that He would come and ransom fallen man and that through Christ’s merits, man could find pardon by obedience to God’s Law. The Bible nowhere says this. This is not only unbiblical, but creates conflict within the Godhead and calls into question the unity and omniscience of God.
Jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). The Father, the Son and the Spirit—the One True God—are in total harmony as it pertains to the plan of salvation. The plan of salvation was not an afterthought or plan B that was a result of God having to figure out a solution to the fall of man. God told Adam in the Garden of Eden that “in the day that you eat of the tree, you will surely die” (Genesis 2:17). Notice He didn’t say “if you eat of the tree.” In essence, God was foretelling Adam that, when he eats from the tree, he’s going to die.
God is not a reactionary. He is working all things out for His ultimate glory in accordance with His own will (Ephesians 1:11)—which includes everything from the fall to the cross and redemption. Even pagan King Nebuchadnezzar recognized that nothing can stay God’s hand and that He does as He pleases and no one can answer back “what have you done?” (Daniel 4:34-35) because everything He does is right and just (Daniel 4:37).
Peter told the Romans that crucified Christ, when preaching the Gospel to them, that God predestined the handing over of Christ to be crucified as a deliberate plan and foreknowledge work (Acts 2:23). This was the plan of God prior to Him even creating (2 Timothy 1:9). Not a plan as a reaction to man failing to pass a probationary test after the creation of the earth that the Father then had to be convinced of.
Ellen White claimed that “whatever contradicts God’s Word, we can be sure proceeds from Satan”, that her writings never contradict God’s Word, and bear the test of investigation. We’ll let you connect the dots.