Yes (sadly).
Central to Adventist eschatology (doctrine of end times) is the belief that a national—to turn international—Sunday Law will be passed by a threefold union between the Pope, “apostate Protestantism” and Spiritualism which will force everyone in the United States to recognize Sunday as sacred and to rest. This will be the Mark of the Beast while worshiping on the seventh-day will be the seal of God. Adventist’s believe that, at this time, they will have to take a stand for the seventh-day sabbath and, eventually, it will be legally sanctioned by the government to hunt down and kill Seventh-Day Adventist’s for not obeying this order.
Many Seventh-Day Adventist’s live in abject fear because of this and are anxiously awaiting the day that this happens—many even moving to remote and off-the-grid locations because of it.
Nothing in scripture teaches that the final test at the end of time will come down to the day one worships on. This is read whole cloth into the biblical text by way of inserting Ellen G. White’s “visions” into scripture. It’s also slanderous to claim that Christian’s—those indwelt by the Holy Spirit—will seek to kill their fellow man. Impugning such motives to Christ’s body is accusing the brethren. We know where that comes from (Revelation 12:10).
For more on this, watch our video breaking it down.