Did Ted Wilson Say THIS at the 2022 General Conference Session?!
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth

UNREAL! Ellen G. White Calls Jesus A SINNER?!...
The SDA Church's prophetess, Ellen G. White, was not an integrative thinker. Because of…

SDA Claims vs. Reformation Reality: Law & Gospel!...
What is the Law Gospel distinction? The Adventist Church claims to be heirs of…

Examining the Gospel & Jesus of Seventh-Day Adventism...
What does the Seventh-Day Adventist Church teach about the nature of Jesus Christ? What…

Q&A #3: Michael the Archangel, Literal Temple In...
Questions answered include who Michael the Archangel is, what "the faith of Jesus" versus…

Doug Batchelor REWRITES History & Gets Caught LYING...
Is the immortality of the soul a product of the Dark Ages and not…

SDA Pastor Makes STUNNING Admission!...
Adventist pastor Aron Crews, while teaching through the SDA Sabbath School Quarterly at Granite…

Doug Batchelor’s Fables #5: Adventism is an ECUMENICAL...
Doug Batchelor claims that the Seventh-Day Adventist church is a diverse movement of lots…

Doug Batchelor is LYING. Here’s the proof!...
Have all Christians throughout history viewed the Sabbath the same way the Adventist Church…