Adventist pastor Aron Crews, while teaching through the SDA Sabbath School Quarterly at Granite Bay Hilltop SDA Church ( @GraniteBayChurch ), makes an indirect, eye-opening admission that Christians must understand.
SDA Pastor Makes STUNNING Admission!
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth

MAD MONEY: Examining the Troubling Adventist Teaching On...
Is the practice of tithe binding upon Christians? Will one be cursed for not…

PROVE ME WRONG: The Adventist Church has a...
Three Seventh-Day Adventists stepped up to the plate to take on the challenge. How…

HEATED Debate Between A Seventh-Day Adventist Pastor and...
Satan or Jesus? Who fulfills the Leviticus 16 scapegoat. Things heat up as Adventist…

DEBATE: Is Adventism’s View of the Trinity Biblical?...
An Adventist reached out to us to discuss whether or not the Seventh-Day Adventist…

Adventism: The Commandment BREAKING Church! Here’s How…...
Is the Adventist Church the "commandment keeping church" like they love to claim? Today…

Dr. Michael Brown vs. 58 Year Old Adventist:...
Reacting to a viewer submitted clip from Dr. Michael Brown's radio show, The Line…

Doug Batchelor’s Fables #7: The SDA Church Gaining...
Doug Batchelor (@PastorBatchelor) claims that Seventh-Day Adventist church is gaining a million new members…

Former Adventists Examine an Adventist Pastor’s Fear Tactics!...
The Catholic Church is reading Ellen G. White? Watered-down, confused Seventh-Day Adventist's? The Mark…