Former SDA Explains Adventist End Times Theology to A Christian Pastor
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth

With The Perrys, Dr. Eric Mason & Adventism:...
Pastor EJ "Thunder" Lauriston appeared on the With The Perry's Podcast to clarify some…

The Shut Door, Close of Probation & False...
Continuing our examination from last week—SDA pastor Stephen Bohr from SecretsUnsealed gave a presentation…

Where’s That In The Bible?! Stephen Bohr Gets...
By viewer request, we respond to a message pastor Stephen Bohr from Secrets Unsealed…

Whoops! The SDA Church Refutes Itself on the...
Satan or Jesus? In this clip, Pastor Anthony Rogers points out how the SDA…

Doug Batchelor REWRITES History & Gets Caught LYING...
Is the immortality of the soul a product of the Dark Ages and not…

Unveiling the Truth: Christian Nationalism vs. SDA Fears...
Buzz has been circling in some Adventist circles that Christian Nationalists—such as pastor Douglas…

Adventism: The Commandment BREAKING Church! Here’s How…...
Is the Adventist Church the "commandment keeping church" like they love to claim? Today…

The Exodus: Why Two Adventists Turned Catholic...
Authors of the book "It's Okay To Not Be A Seventh-Day Adventist", Arthur and…