The Bible
Equipping Christians and Reaching Adventists with the Truth

Will the trip to heaven take seven days?...
One week? Explore how the Adventist prophetess informs the thinking of SDA belief regarding…

Were the sins of the world placed on...
Contradiction? Discover how Ellen White's commentary on Jesus's baptism contradicts what the Bible says.

Did the sun go black on May 19,...
Failed prophecy? Discover the truth about May 19, 1780 and Ellen G. White's failed…

Did Satan offer to help Jesus with the...
The Adventist prophetess—Ellen G. White—who the SDA Church believes was divinely inspired no differently…

What is sin?...
Only transgression of the Law? Explore how the SDA Church's truncated view of sin…

Does the SDA Church believe in Sola Scriptura?...
Discover how the Adventist Church subtly twists Christian terminology to appear as though they…

Did Satan hold a council meeting to plan...
Advent-ism? Tap into how the Great Controversy Theme shapes all of Adventist theology, especially…

Were the priest and the Levite present during...
Adding to the Bible! Explore how Ellen G. White adds to the parable of…

Does one have to be perfect before God...
Contradiction? Dig deeper into the heretical doctrines of perfection that the Adventist Church upholds…

Was Paul taught the Gospel by the Church?...
Contradiction? Explore the subtle ways Ellen G. White contorts the scriptures with her unscriptural…