Daniel 8:14 is about 1844?! Christian Pastor Responds!
August 2, 2023Discover how the foundational text, Daniel 8:14, has nothing to do with the year 1844 and an investigative judgment.Doug Batchelor REWRITES History & Gets Caught LYING About Christians!
August 2, 2023Is the immortality of the soul a product of the Dark Ages and not the Bible? We fact check this…Christian Pastor vs. Ted Wilson & James Rafferty from Amazing Facts
August 2, 2023Is there a literal sanctuary building in heaven where Jesus is still working on sin? Pastor Anthony Rogers responds to…Adventism, Juneteenth, and Calling God A Racist
August 2, 2023One of the nastiest stains on the Seventh-Day Adventist Church is the racism espoused by their prophetess and co-founder, Ellen…Are Christians commanded to greet one another with a holy kiss?
August 1, 2023Explore how the Adventist Church once ascribed a holy kiss as an ordinance based on an vision from Ellen White…Is foot washing an ordinance for the Church?
August 1, 2023Explore why foot washing has not been practiced by the Christian church despite the attempts by various off-shoots claiming it…Did the stars fall from heaven on November 13, 1833, fulfilling bible prophecy?
July 31, 2023Failed prophecy? Discover how the Adventist Church, by way of Ellen G. White, wrongfully predicted the fulfillment of Revelation 6:13…Did the sun go black on May 19, 1780, fulfilling bible prophecy?
July 31, 2023Failed prophecy? Discover the truth about May 19, 1780 and Ellen G. White's failed prophecy regarding the sun going black.Does Hanukkah refute the Investigative Judgment?
July 31, 2023Explore the fascinating history behind Hanukkah and the fatal blow that it delivers to the Adventist pillar doctrine of the…Does Jesus have a second phase of atonement ministry?
July 29, 2023Dig into how the Adventist Church distorts the biblical teaching on the atonement at the behest of keeping 1844 alive.