HOLD UP! Adventist Pastor Says Catholics and Protestants Are WHAT?!
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth

1844 Revealed: Ellen White’s 144,000 Vision Decoded!...
Every generation of Seventh-Day Adventists from their inception have believed they are the final…

When God’s Prophet Steals: Was Ellen G. White...
The Adventist Church and her apologists have long sought to defend Ellen G. White's…

The White Lies of Adventism: Response to Dr....
In a recent video posted by Mark Finley's, HopeLives365 (@HL365), Dr. Merlin Burt from…

Whoops! The SDA Church Refutes Itself on the...
Satan or Jesus? In this clip, Pastor Anthony Rogers points out how the SDA…

REACTION: 3 SDAs & A Christian Discuss Ellen...
We're circling back around to a video from Matt Whitman from the 10 Minute…

Is Believing Young Earth Creationism Required to Be...
Is believing in a young earth required to be a Christian? What influence did…

This Single Error DESTROYS Adventism!...
Is there a decree from a Persian king in Ezra 7 to rebuild the…

True Atonement vs. SDA’s Cosmic Charade w/ @AcademyApologia...
Was sin cancelled at the cross? What did Jesus's death accomplish? Explore the depth…