Fanatic Pastor Confuses Ellen White with the Bible!
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth

PROVE ME WRONG: The Adventist Church has a...
Three Seventh-Day Adventists stepped up to the plate to take on the challenge. How…

This Adventist Pastor is HILARIOUSLY Confused...
Pastor of State Line SDA Church (@statelinesda2193) and Oakwood University professor Dr. Isaac Olatunji…

A Key Way The SDA Church Uses the...
Examining one of the key ways the Seventh-day Adventist Church preys upon unsuspecting people—specifically…

Did Ted Wilson Say THIS at the 2022...
In quite the meltdown, pastor of State Line SDA Church (@statelinesda2193) and Oakwood University…

Former Adventists Examine an Adventist Pastor’s Fear Tactics!...
The Catholic Church is reading Ellen G. White? Watered-down, confused Seventh-Day Adventist's? The Mark…

Adventist Myths About Church History Debunked: Reformation vs....
Did the true church fall away after the apostles and need to be restored?…

What Adventist Scholars Won’t Tell You About the...
The guys at the Adventist History Project decided to mention our platform in a…

Q&A #2: Baptismal Vows, Nature of the Soul,...
Have a question you've been wanting to ask but haven't gotten a response? Have…