Doug Batchelor’s Fables #4: SDA Church Has NEVER Date Set?!
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth
Adventism Makes the News & Adventists are TRIGGERED!...
YouTube personality and media analyst Kim Iversen had a guest on to discuss the…
HEATED Debate Between A Seventh-Day Adventist Pastor and...
Satan or Jesus? Who fulfills the Leviticus 16 scapegoat. Things heat up as Adventist…
Thank God Jesus WORKED On the Sabbath! Here’s...
Was Jesus resting in the tomb on the seventh day Sabbath? The Adventist Church…
Examining the Adventist Jesus: Exalted Being?! | Part...
Does the Adventist Church affirm an orthodox Christology? Who is the Jesus of Adventism?…
Sabbath BEFORE Creation? What Scripture Says!...
The seventh day sabbath is the sacred cow of Adventist theology—but one of their…
Where’s That In The Bible?! Stephen Bohr Gets...
By viewer request, we respond to a message pastor Stephen Bohr from Secrets Unsealed…
SDAs Are NOT Ready For Jesus’s Return! Here’s...
Why hasn't Jesus returned yet? Is the return of Jesus imminent? What do I…
The REAL Christian Belief: Countering Walter Veith’s Babylon...
For nearly two centuries, the SDA Church has circulated a fiction narrative around the…