Doug Batchelor is LYING. Here’s the proof!
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth

Adventist Myths About Church History Debunked: Reformation vs....
Did the true church fall away after the apostles and need to be restored?…

The Biblical Trinity Vs. The Adventist “Heavenly Trio”...
The Seventh-Day Adventist Church claims in their official beliefs to affirm the doctrine of…

Doug Batchelor’s Fables #6: Adventist’s Live Longer Than...
Doug Batchelor claims that Seventh-Day Adventist's live longer than the general population based on…

Ted Wilson, 2023 GC Annual Council, and Believing...
The 2023 Seventh-Day Adventist General Conference Annual Council convened earlier this week where SDA…

Two Former 3rd Generation SDA’s Talk About Finding...
An impromptu, lighthearted discussion between two former Adventist's regarding life after Adventism, theology, and…

SDA Pastor vs: Christian: The First Day Sabbath...
The pastor of Hastings SDA Church, Jeff Dowell, began a series of presentations seeking…

Exposing a LIE the SDA Church Teaches Children…...
My Bible Friends, a book series published by the SDA Church, injects SDA false…

Doug Batchelor’s Fables #8: The SDA Church Is...
Doug Batchelor (@PastorBatchelor) claims that Seventh-Day Adventist church is the closest church to the…