Yes, but not like Christian’s do.
After the plagiarism scandal of the 1980’s involving defrocked, former Adventist pastor Walter Rea, the Adventist Church had to shift their stance on biblical inspiration. To that point they believed what is called verbal plenary inspiration—that the actual words in the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic manuscripts were God’s own words (verbal), having authority (plenary), and were divinely directed (inspired).
After the plagiarism scandal, they pivoted to their own unique concept called “thought inspiration”—that God impressed upon the minds of the individual the thoughts he wanted them to have, allowing the human instrument to use their own words to convey the thought. This was to try and cover up Ellen White’s blatant literary stealing and was their creative way of elevating Ellen White’s writings by lowering the Bible.
The Bible says that the scriptures are God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16-17), meaning they are breathed out by God. They are not God thought inspired or God thought impressed, but his actual words.
The problem is, Ellen White claimed the Holy Spirit worked upon her mind giving her the appropriate words to use while also claiming that the words of the Bible aren’t inspired, but the thoughts. This allowed for the SDA Church to pivot on their position while remaining in line with their claim that Ellen White’s writing were divinely inspired.