The Great Controversy
Equipping Christians and Reaching Adventists with the Truth

Were the Waldensians seventh-day sabbath keepers?...
Guardians of the Sabbath truth? Explore how Ellen G. White and the Adventist Church…

Is God vindicating His character?...
Good vs. evil? Is God's character on trial and he is vindicating it through…

What is the SDA sanctuary doctrine?...
What if an entire theology hinged on a blueprint God never actually laid out?…

Is God on trial?...
The Seventh-day Adventist Church's distinctive worldview, known as the Great Controversy Theme, hinges on…

Is the Great Controversy biblical?...
Explore the extrabiblical details introduced by Ellen G. White that are absent from the…

Why did Lucifer rebel?...
Adventist Teaching: Jealousy due to Jesus being exalted to be made equal with God…

What is the Great Controversy?...
Exposing the Great Controversy: Unveiling the truth behind Adventist theology's controversial origin story and…

Does the Bible teach probation?...
God is testing us? Explore how the Adventist Church has inserted a foreign concept…

What is the Great Controversy Theme (GCT)?...
Unravel the Great Controversy Theme: the divine key unlocking Seventh-Day Adventist theology and biblical…

Where did the Great Controversy teaching come from?...
Uncover the origins of the Great Controversy teaching from Ellen G. White's divine vision…