The Bible
Equipping Christians and Reaching Adventists with the Truth

Is dress reform a great test from God?...
19th century dress standards: A test from God or extra biblical legalism?

Is Isaiah 28:9-10 about how to interpret the...
Here a little, there a little? Explore how the SDA Church's misuse of this…

Did Satan offer to help Jesus with the...
The Adventist prophetess—Ellen G. White—who the SDA Church believes was divinely inspired no differently…

Did Satan have an interview with Jesus and...
Advent-ism? Dive into how Ellen G. White adds details to the biblical narrative that…

Does Matthew 5:48 teach we must be sinless...
Is perfection required for salvation? Is that what Jesus was saying in Matthew 5:48?…

Does the SDA Church believe in original sin?...
What about man's nature? Discover what the SDA Church teaches about the effects of…

Are Christians commanded to greet one another with...
Explore how the Adventist Church once ascribed a holy kiss as an ordinance based…

Did the sun go black on May 19,...
Failed prophecy? Discover the truth about May 19, 1780 and Ellen G. White's failed…

Was Jesus “resting” in the tomb?...
Explore one of the Adventist Church's clever charges to claim seventh-day sabbath observance is…

What is the Spirit of Prophecy?...
Revelation 19:10? Does it speak of someone who possesses the spiritual gift of prophecy?…