The Bible
Equipping Christians and Reaching Adventists with the Truth
Were Jesus’s bones broken when He was crucified?...
Contradiction? Explore how extra-biblical details from the Adventist prophetess create contradictions in the Bible.
Are Christians commanded to greet one another with...
Explore how the Adventist Church once ascribed a holy kiss as an ordinance based…
Was Jesus’s mother present when Jesus was crucified?...
Contradiction? Explore how Ellen G. White's retelling of the Passion of Christ contradicts the…
Did Satan accuse Jacob before the angels of...
Dive in to how Ellen G. White adds to the biblical narrative despite the…
Is dress reform a great test from God?...
19th century dress standards: A test from God or extra biblical legalism?
Are sins transferred to Heaven by the blood...
Sin transference: Discover how the SDA Church pollutes the blood of Christ in contrast…
Did Lucifer share in God’s glory before his...
Contradiction? Discover one of the most blasphemous statements to come from the pen of…
What did the tearing of the temple veil...
Earthly to Heavenly? Discover how the Adventist system of theology subtly twists the biblical…
Did Jesus withdraw after turning water into wine?...
Contradiction? Explore how Ellen White contradicts John 2 and the biblical narrative of the…
Does Matthew 5:48 teach we must be sinless...
Is perfection required for salvation? Is that what Jesus was saying in Matthew 5:48?…