The Bible
Equipping Christians and Reaching Adventists with the Truth

Were the priest and the Levite present during...
Adding to the Bible! Explore how Ellen G. White adds to the parable of…

Is God on trial?...
The Seventh-day Adventist Church's distinctive worldview, known as the Great Controversy Theme, hinges on…

Did Jesus withdraw after turning water into wine?...
Contradiction? Explore how Ellen White contradicts John 2 and the biblical narrative of the…

Does the SDA Church believe in original sin?...
What about man's nature? Discover what the SDA Church teaches about the effects of…

Did Satan kill Jesus?...
Contradiction? Explore how the Great Controversy theme creates contradictions in scripture regarding Jesus's death…

Is John 14:15 about the 10 Commandments?...
Entole, nomos, or dekalogos? Tap into one of the SDA Church's favorite proof texts…

Does Colossians 2:16 only refer to ceremonial Sabbaths?...
Seventh-day Sabbath? Dig into this pivotal passage as it pertains to the Adventist Church's…

Did Satan accuse Jacob before the angels of...
Dive in to how Ellen G. White adds to the biblical narrative despite the…

Does the Bible teach probation?...
God is testing us? Explore how the Adventist Church has inserted a foreign concept…

Did dogs eat the remains of Judas Iscariot?...
Contradiction? See how Ellen G. White adds to God's Holy Word with her extra-biblical…