The Bible
Equipping Christians and Reaching Adventists with the Truth

Does John 17:3 prove Jesus isn’t Almighty God?...
Is the Father the only God? Explore how John 17:3 is twisted by some…

What is sin?...
Only transgression of the Law? Explore how the SDA Church's truncated view of sin…

Who is “Babylon” in Revelation?...
Catholics and Protestants? Who did John have in mind when penning the Revelation? Explore…

Were the sins of the world placed on...
Contradiction? Discover how Ellen White's commentary on Jesus's baptism contradicts what the Bible says.

Is dress reform a great test from God?...
19th century dress standards: A test from God or extra biblical legalism?

Was Adam twice as tall as men today?...
Advent-isms: tidbits of extra-biblical details that many Adventists think are coming from scripture, but…

Did God replicate the pattern of Eden on...
Cosmic Eden? Explore how the Adventist prophetess claims God showed her that the pattern…

Does Colossians 2:16 only refer to ceremonial Sabbaths?...
Seventh-day Sabbath? Dig into this pivotal passage as it pertains to the Adventist Church's…

Will the trip to heaven take seven days?...
One week? Explore how the Adventist prophetess informs the thinking of SDA belief regarding…

Did dogs eat the remains of Judas Iscariot?...
Contradiction? See how Ellen G. White adds to God's Holy Word with her extra-biblical…