The Bible
Equipping Christians and Reaching Adventists with the Truth
Has Jesus received His Kingdom yet?...
Now or not yet? Discover how the Adventist Church's view of the Kingdom of…
Did Jesus tell the Rich Young Ruler he...
Saved by law-keeping? Dig deeper into the Synoptic story of the Rich Young Ruler…
Who spoke to Cain in Genesis?...
An angel or God himself? See how Ellen G. White contradicts the plain teachings…
Did Satan offer to help Jesus with the...
The Adventist prophetess—Ellen G. White—who the SDA Church believes was divinely inspired no differently…
Is dress reform a great test from God?...
19th century dress standards: A test from God or extra biblical legalism?
Does the Bible teach probation?...
God is testing us? Explore how the Adventist Church has inserted a foreign concept…
Did God replicate the pattern of Eden on...
Cosmic Eden? Explore how the Adventist prophetess claims God showed her that the pattern…
Were Jesus’s bones broken when He was crucified?...
Contradiction? Explore how extra-biblical details from the Adventist prophetess create contradictions in the Bible.
Do angels have “golden cards” to access earth...
Advent-ism? Explore how Ellen G. White adds to the Bible by way of her…
Does Colossians 2:16 only refer to ceremonial Sabbaths?...
Seventh-day Sabbath? Dig into this pivotal passage as it pertains to the Adventist Church's…