Did Ellen White claim to be a prophet?
August 28, 2023Equip yourself to deal with one of the most popular defenses Adventists give for Ellen White and her prophetic gifting.No, Seventh-Day Adventism is NOT Christian! Here’s why…
August 27, 2023Was sin cancelled at the cross? Is the atonement complete? What happened on Calvary?What is sin?
August 25, 2023Only transgression of the Law? Explore how the SDA Church's truncated view of sin fuels their entire system.Who are the Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventists?
August 24, 2023David Koresh? Waco, TX? Explore the influence of Ellen White on the founders of the SDA offshoots, including Vernon Howell,…Does Jesus know the day and hour of His return?
August 24, 2023Is Jesus omniscient? Unpack what's really going on when Jesus said He doesn't know the day or the hour of…Did Ellen White claim God hates some children?
August 23, 2023Wicked children? Dig into some of Ellen White's most despicable statements regarding children who misbehave.What is the legend of Ellen White’s “Big Bible?”
August 23, 2023Fact or fiction? Dig into the legend of Ellen White supposedly holding an 18 pound bible with one arm. Was…Is Believing Young Earth Creationism Required to Be A Christian? w/ Michael Jones
August 23, 2023Is believing in a young earth required to be a Christian? What influence did Ellen G. White have on the…Present Truth: The SDA Church In Identity Crisis
August 22, 2023Explore the root doctrine that supplies life to the entire Adventist system—always providing a way of escape when things don't…Did Ellen White speak to her dead husband?
August 21, 2023Spiritualism? Explore how the Adventist prophetess not only did what the Bible forbids, but what her own pen said such…