Was the Serpent in Eden burnished gold with wings?
September 22, 2023Snakes that fly? Discover how Ellen G. White adds extra-biblical details to the biblical account of the Garden of Eden.Is Seventh-Day Adventism the fastest growing denomination?
September 22, 2023Explore how the SDA Church skews the statistics regarding one of their favorite claims to try and support being God's…Did Satan have an interview with Jesus and tell Him he repented?
September 22, 2023Advent-ism? Dive into how Ellen G. White adds details to the biblical narrative that aren't found in the Bible.Do angels have “golden cards” to access earth from heaven?
September 22, 2023Advent-ism? Explore how Ellen G. White adds to the Bible by way of her extra-biblical "lesser light" details.Did Pilate ask Jesus for forgiveness before handing Him over?
September 22, 2023Advent-ism? Discover how Ellen G. White added numerous details to the trial of Jesus before Pilate.Two Gospels?! SDA Pastor vs. Two Former Adventists
September 21, 2023What is the Christian Gospel? Two former Adventists respond to SDA pastor Dennis Priebe and his misrepresentation of what Christians…Adventism vs. The Book of Daniel w/ Dr. Samuel Frost, Th. D
September 21, 2023Daniel is one of the SDA Church's favorite books—but how well do they handle it? Dr. Samuel Frost joins us…Daniel Proves the SDA Church is WRONG About Man’s Nature! Here’s why…
September 21, 2023Is man's spirit alive or inanimate? A Daniel scholar chimes in on why the SDA Church is wrong about the…When God’s Prophet Steals: Was Ellen G. White Who She Claimed to Be?
September 21, 2023The Adventist Church and her apologists have long sought to defend Ellen G. White's "literary borrowing" by claiming that in…What church should I join after leaving Adventism?
September 20, 2023Dig into what to look for in finding a new local church upon leaving Adventism.