Ty Gibson, Neo-Adventism, and the SDA Catch 22! | Part 1
January 5, 2024What is Neo-Adventism? By viewer request, we take a look at a talk given by an Adventist figure who has…Adventist Fallacies: Spot These 5 Like a Pro!
January 5, 2024Discover the pitfalls of Seventh-Day Adventist arguments and learn to counter them with ironclad logic. Dive into an assertive exploration…Is God the Father the fullness of the Godhead bodily?
January 5, 2024Contradiction? Tap in to how the SDA Church is confused regarding the Godhead and the nature of God the Father.Did Jesus withdraw after turning water into wine?
January 5, 2024Contradiction? Explore how Ellen White contradicts John 2 and the biblical narrative of the Wedding at Cana.Were the priest and the Levite present during the Good Samaritan parable?
January 5, 2024Adding to the Bible! Explore how Ellen G. White adds to the parable of the Good Samaritan.Did Satan accuse Jacob before the angels of God?
January 5, 2024Dive in to how Ellen G. White adds to the biblical narrative despite the SDA Church claiming she never adds…Canright Exposed?! Who was the REAL D.M. Canright?
January 2, 2024Was Dudley Canright the person the SDA Church claims? In this clip, Dr. Steve Daily explains what he has found…Did God replicate the pattern of Eden on other worlds?
January 1, 2024Cosmic Eden? Explore how the Adventist prophetess claims God showed her that the pattern found in Eden was reproduced in…Does Mark 2:27 prove Adventists are right about the sabbath?
January 1, 2024Dive into one of the SDA Church's favorite proof texts and see how it actually backfires on them.Did Jesus incarnate to silence accusations from Satan?
December 31, 2023Dive deep into one of the central aspects of the SDA worldview and how is drastically deviates from the plain…