Is Ellen. G. White the most translated writer in the history of literature? Is she the most translated American author of all time? Seventh-Day Adventist Pastors and Apologists love to tout this to bolster the legitimacy of their movement. But is it true? Let’s find out…
Is Ellen G. White the MOST Translated Author of ALL TIME?!
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth

Exposing a LIE the SDA Church Teaches Children…...
My Bible Friends, a book series published by the SDA Church, injects SDA false…

Christian Pastor Corrects Doug Batchelor’s BUTCHERING of the...
Unraveling the mystery of Revelation 1: Is Jesus truly in a heavenly sanctuary? Explore…

Three SDA Pastors Interview A Former Adventist...
Three Adventist pastors from the Seeking What They Sought podcast invited Myles on to…

Unpacking SDA Confusion: Is Jesus Michael the Archangel?...
Sam Shamoun joins us to discuss the SDA Church's teaching on Michael the Archangel…

The Sunday Law: Doug Wilson vs. SDA Pastor...
We are circling back around to the pastor of Kenhorst SDA Church who responded…

DEBATE: Does the Bible Teach That Death Is...
Is soul sleep biblical? Does the Bible teach that a person's soul ceases to…

In Defense of the First Day Sabbath &...
Why do Christians worship on Sunday? The Pope? Constantine? Tradition? In this response we…

Saved By Law?! The Slippery, Works Based Gospel...
What is sola fide? Does the Adventist Church actually believe it? What do they…