3 MYTHS Seventh-Day Adventists Believe About Roman Catholicism | Part 2
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth

Adventism, Juneteenth, and Calling God A Racist...
One of the nastiest stains on the Seventh-Day Adventist Church is the racism espoused…

NOPE! Adventist Pastor Says THEY Are Commandment Keepers?!...
In this clip, pastor of State Line SDA Church (@statelinesda2193) and Oakwood University professor…

The Exodus: Why Two Adventists Turned Catholic...
Authors of the book "It's Okay To Not Be A Seventh-Day Adventist", Arthur and…

Three SDA Pastors Interview A Former Adventist...
Three Adventist pastors from the Seeking What They Sought podcast invited Myles on to…

Where’s That In The Bible?! Stephen Bohr Gets...
By viewer request, we respond to a message pastor Stephen Bohr from Secrets Unsealed…

Grape Juice & Foot Washing: Adventism’s Sacramental Spin...
The eucharist (meal of thanksgiving) has been central in the Christian church's worship for…

The Cursed Gospel of Adventism: The Third Angel’s...
Continuing our examination of the Seventh-Day Adventist Gospel (branded as the "Three Angel's Messages"…

Christians Share the Gospel with SDA College Student!...
While out witnessing on an SDA college campus, we came across a young man…