The Cursed Gospel of Adventism: The Third Angel’s Message | Part 4
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth

Two Gospels?! SDA Pastor vs. Two Former Adventists...
What is the Christian Gospel? Two former Adventists respond to SDA pastor Dennis Priebe…

Former SDA Explains Adventist End Times Theology to...
Dr. Josh Howard (Pastor of Grace Community Church in Battle Creek, Michigan) had me…

DEBATE: What is the Role of the 10...
What role do the 10 Commandments play in the life of the Christian? What…

Life After Adventism and The Gospel of Grace...
Colleen Tinker and Nikki Stevenson from the @FormerAdventist Podcast join me to discuss life…

Doug Batchelor’s Fables #3: Adventist’s Keep ALL 10...
Doug Batchelor claims that the Seventh-Day Adventist Church keeps all 10 commandments. Is this…

SDA Claims vs. Reformation Reality: Law & Gospel!...
What is the Law Gospel distinction? The Adventist Church claims to be heirs of…

Funeral For Heresy: Burial Service of the SDA...
The SDA Church claims to be a special movement of God, raised up to…

When Parroting Ellen White Goes WRONG!...
Today we react to a viewer submitted video where we discover an amazing fact…