The Pope changed the Sabbath? Seventh-Day Sabbath is God’s seal? Sunday is the Mark of the Beast? Dr. Brant Bosserman, pastor of Trinitas Presbyterian Church in Mill Creek, WA, joins me to discuss the Seventh-Day Adventist Church’s view of the Seventh-day Sabbath and some of the charges they make about Christian’s having no Biblical basis for worshiping on Sunday. Is this true? Is worshiping on Sunday a product of the papacy and Constantine? Is it pagan in origin? The seal of God? All of this and more as we discuss these claims in light of the biblical evidence. Dr. Bosserman’s article on the Resurrection timeline:…
Seal of God?! The Adventist Church is Wrong About the Sabbath w/ Dr. Brant Bosserman
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth

Denominations Are A Plan of Satan?! The Infallible...
God rejects Protestants? The SDA Church is the "Family of God?" Discover how the…

SDAs Are NOT Ready For Jesus’s Return! Here’s...
Why hasn't Jesus returned yet? Is the return of Jesus imminent? What do I…

Canright Exposed?! Who was the REAL D.M. Canright?...
Was Dudley Canright the person the SDA Church claims? In this clip, Dr. Steve…

Hebrew Roots vs. SDA: What Are the Differences?...
Professor R. L. Solberg from Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity joins us to…

Exposing a LIE the SDA Church Teaches Children…...
My Bible Friends, a book series published by the SDA Church, injects SDA false…

Adventism On Trial: Is the Investigative Judgment Biblical?...
What is the doctrine of the investigative judgment and is it biblical? Apologist Sam…

Is Ellen G. White the MOST Translated Author...
Is Ellen. G. White the most translated writer in the history of literature? Is…

No, Seventh-Day Adventism is NOT Christian! Here’s why…...
Was sin cancelled at the cross? Is the atonement complete? What happened on Calvary?