Examining the Adventist Jesus: The Almighty?! | Part 2
Dive Deeper: Equip Yourself with the Truth
No, Seventh-Day Adventism is NOT Christian! Here’s why…...
Was sin cancelled at the cross? Is the atonement complete? What happened on Calvary?
Hebrew Roots vs. SDA: What Are the Differences?...
Professor R. L. Solberg from Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity joins us to…
Burying Adventism: Soul Sleep, Death, and the Afterlife...
Picking up where we left off in part 1, Sam Shamoun returns as we…
Does Ellen G. White Pass the BIBLICAL Test...
The Seventh-Day Adventist Church claims that the writings of Ellen G. White speak with…
Adventist Facts & Fables: A Response to Pastor...
Three former Seventh-Day Adventist's respond to Pastor Doug Batchelor (@PastorBatchelor) and his presentation of…
Doug Batchelor’s Fables #1: Seventh-Day Adventists are BIBLE...
Doug Batchelor claims that one way to summarize Seventh-Day Adventist's would be as "Bible…
The Sunday Law: Doug Wilson vs. SDA Pastor...
We are circling back around to the pastor of Kenhorst SDA Church who responded…
The SDA Endorsement of Islam EXPOSED!...
Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? We explore the dangerous statements put…