Let's dive deeper and equip ourselves with the truth
Examining the Gospel & Jesus of Seventh-Day Adventism...
What does the Seventh-Day Adventist Church teach about the nature of Jesus Christ? What…
Life After Adventism and The Gospel of Grace...
Colleen Tinker and Nikki Stevenson from the @FormerAdventist Podcast join me to discuss life…
Explaining SDA Theology To A Christian College Professor...
Professor Robert Solberg from Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity wanted to discuss Seventh-Day…
Why Did This Former Seventh-Day Adventist Pastor Leave?...
David DePinho served in the Indiana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (SDA's) from 1990–1997 in…
PROVE ME WRONG: The Adventist Church has a...
Three Seventh-Day Adventists stepped up to the plate to take on the challenge. How…
Ellen G. White: Messenger of God or Deceiver?...
Deceiver, manipulator, and fraud? Who was Ellen G. White? Was she a true prophet…
INCREDIBLE! 6th Gen Adventist Finds True Gospel Freedom!...
Are you shackled by legalism, searching for true Gospel freedom? Hear an impromptu and…
INTERVIEW: Former Adventist Turned Baptist Pastor Speaks Out!...
In this lively discussion, a former Baptist, turned Seventh-Day Adventist, back to Baptist (now…
Canright Exposed?! Who was the REAL D.M. Canright?...
Was Dudley Canright the person the SDA Church claims? In this clip, Dr. Steve…
SDAs Are NOT Ready For Jesus’s Return! Here’s...
Why hasn't Jesus returned yet? Is the return of Jesus imminent? What do I…
Seal of God?! The Adventist Church is Wrong...
Unveiling the truth: Is Sunday worship a pagan deception or God's intended Sabbath? Join…
Diet Deception: SDA Health Message vs. The Gospel...
Is being vegetarian/vegan part of the gospel? Did God give the light on health…