The Bible
Equipping Christians and Reaching Adventists with the Truth

Was Jesus’s mother present when Jesus was crucified?...
Contradiction? Explore how Ellen G. White's retelling of the Passion of Christ contradicts the…

Is there intelligent life on other worlds?...
Aliens and unfallen worlds? Explore how the SDA Church tries to insert Ellen White's…

Could Jesus see through the portals of the...
Contradiction? Learn one of the most blasphemous statements made—in the name of God—by the…

Were Jesus’s bones broken when He was crucified?...
Contradiction? Explore how extra-biblical details from the Adventist prophetess create contradictions in the Bible.

Does the SDA Church believe in Sola Scriptura?...
Discover how the Adventist Church subtly twists Christian terminology to appear as though they…

Does one have to be perfect before God...
Contradiction? Dig deeper into the heretical doctrines of perfection that the Adventist Church upholds…

Is Ellen G. White the infallible interpreter of...
Dive into how the SDA Church claims to have a modern day inspired and…

Is foot washing an ordinance for the Church?...
Explore why foot washing has not been practiced by the Christian church despite the…

Who spoke to Cain in Genesis?...
An angel or God himself? See how Ellen G. White contradicts the plain teachings…

Was Jesus “resting” in the tomb?...
Explore one of the Adventist Church's clever charges to claim seventh-day sabbath observance is…